I. Shipping costs and information: As standard, goods can only be shipped to the countries listed below. Depending on the size of your order, shipping will be via DHL or a freight forwarder. The shipping costs incurred in each case can be found in the table below. If you would like shipping to another country, please write us an email ( before placing an order and tell us the article with the quantity and the delivery address with the country and the corresponding postcode. We will then let you know as soon as possible whether we can also ship to the desired country and - if delivery to the desired delivery address is possible - we will tell you the shipping costs, as we have to ask our shipping partner about the shipping option and costs in advance. Shipping within Germany: For shipping within mainland Germany, we charge a flat rate of 8 euros per order. For gross order values of 99 euros or more, shipping is free. For cash on delivery, we also charge a flat rate of 8 euros up to 25KG per box.
II. Shipping outside Germany We deliver to the following countries:
country | Shipping costs per 25kg |
Belgium | 14,10 € |
Bulgaria | 24,70 € |
Denmark | 13,90 € |
Estonia | 29,70 € |
Finland | 19,00 € |
France | 10,10 € |
Greece | 29,70 € |
Great Britain | 11,70 € |
Ireland | 29,70 € |
Iceland | 29,40 € |
Italy | 11,90 € |
Croatia | 27,00 € |
Latvia | 23,10 € |
Liechtenstein | 17,10 € |
Lithuania | 29,70 € |
Luxembourg | 14,10 € |
Malta | 29,70 € |
Netherlands | 13,80 € |
Norway | 29,40 € |
Poland | 12,10 € |
Portugal | 29,70 € |
Romania | 19,10 € |
Sweden | 31,00 € |
Serbia | 29,40 € |
Slovakia | 30,00 € |
Slovenia | 25,40 € |
Spain | 16,70 € |
Switzerland | 25,95 € |
Czech Republic | 17,70 € |
Hungary | 14,70 € |
Austria | 9,59 € |
For deliveries to countries outside the European Union, additional costs may arise in individual cases for which we are not responsible and which must be borne by you. These include, for example, costs for the transfer of money by credit institutions (e.g. transfer fees, exchange rate fees) or import duties or taxes (e.g. customs duties). Further information can be found, for example, at and on import sales tax at and specifically for Switzerland at
Payment Information:
For shipping within Germany
For deliveries within Germany we offer the following payment options , unless otherwise stated in the respective product description:
- prepayment via bank transfer
- Direct debit (SEPA direct debit)
- Credit card
- Cash on delivery
- delivery on invoice
- Cash on pickup
- Payment via SOFORT transfer
- (Payment via one or more other payment service providers – hereafter named)
For shipping outside Germany
For deliveries abroad we offer the following payment options , unless otherwise stated in the respective product description:
- prepayment via bank transfer
- Direct debit (SEPA direct debit )
- Credit card
- Cash on delivery
- delivery on invoice
- Cash on pickup
- Payment via SOFORT transfer
- (Payment via one or more other payment service providers – hereafter named)
III. Detailed information on the individual payment options
- prepayment via bank transfer
Simply transfer the invoice amount to our bank account within (…) days, stating the intended purpose. We will send you our bank details and the purpose of the transfer separately by email as part of the order processing. When paying by bank transfer, we grant x% discount on the gross value of the goods for the respective order.
- Direct debit (SEPA direct debit)
After you have provided us with your bank details and issued a SEPA direct debit mandate, we will debit the invoice amount from your bank account by direct debit. Please ensure that you provide us with your bank details correctly during the ordering process and that your account has sufficient funds. The direct debit will be debited when the goods you have ordered leave our warehouse.
- Credit card
Pay conveniently by credit card. We accept the following credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express .
- Cash on delivery
You pay upon delivery to the transport company commissioned by us, which is authorized to receive the amount to be paid by you. Please note that for cash on delivery we also charge a standard cash on delivery fee of 8 euros per 25kg or part thereof.
- delivery on invoice
- Cash on pickup
You collect the goods from us yourself and pay on site in cash or by debit card. We will first inform you by email that the goods you ordered are ready for collection. After receiving this email, you can collect the goods by appointment at the following address: Zum Sportplatz 6, 21220 Seevetal
In this case, no shipping costs will be charged.
- (Payment via one or more other payment service providers – please specify by name here)
Shopify Payment